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SUMC Committees

Church Council


The church council of the Slater United Methodist Church has the responsibility of creating and sustaining the congregation's plan for discipleship. The church council must also be willing to aid in the planning of ministries that will help the congregation live out its God-given vision. The council oversees human and material resources for implementing the ministry plan for the church. Furthermore, the council of the Slater United Methodist Church must be a successful administrative structure for the congregation.

Worship Committee


The worship committee ensures that worship goes smoothly each and every day in the Slater United Methodist Church. Special gatherings and events that relate to the Sunday service each week or other specific services are all overseen by this important committee. The worship committee may focus on developing the vision and themes for certain worship services if they so wish, and they can aid in creating worship experiences that both reflect and inform the congregation's understanding of and witness to our triune God.

Missions & Outreach Committee


The missions & outreach committee of the Slater United Methodist Church must develop a continuous, year-round program of mission education so that the congregation will be better informed, more knowledgeable, and more motivated to be supportive of the missions & outreach of the church. This committee should identify the needs of our community, our country, and our world, while also engaging the congregation in these mission opportunities so that these needs may be addressed by many.

Education Committee


The education committee is made up of many people with great passions for teaching children and even members of the congregation more about God's love and believing strongly in Jesus Christ. Through Christian education, we invite people and communities of faith to be transformed as they are inspired and challenged to know and experience God through Jesus Christ, claim and live God's promises, and finally grow and serve as Christian disciples.

Board of Trustees & Parsonage Trustees


The Board of Trustees at the Slater United Methodist Church oversee, maintain, and supervise all of the church's property. They must report annually to the charge conference about the state of the church. The Board of Trustees must also be responsible, in conjunction with the pastor, for all use of the church. There are many other duties of the Board of Trustees, and they are a very important committee of the Slater United Methodist Church. The Parsonage Trustees maintain the property at the parsonage. Everything that relates to the Parsonage is managed by the Parsonage Trustees.

Endowment Committee


The Endowment Committee of the Slater United Methodist Church oversees large gifts given to the church to make sure they are used according to the requests of those who give them.

Pastor-Parish Relations Committee


Those who are part of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee educate and remind the congregation to focus on working together toward the mission of the Slater United Methodist Church by promoting unity and encouraging, strengthening, nurturing, supporting, and respecting the pastor, staff, and their families. The Pastor-Parish Relations Committee confer and consult with the district superintendent and also assess the job performance of the pastor.

Lay Leadership Committee


The Lay Leadership Committee must be able to identify the gifts and strengths of those who are in the Slater UMC congregation. They should be able to help develop the skills of individuals in the congregation. This committee should deploy persons according to their gifts and passions in varying areas of service throughout the church and the community. Also, the Lay Leadership Committee of the Slater United Methodist Church is encouraged to celebrate each individual's accomplishments and service.

Finance & Stewardship Committee


The job of the Finance Committee is to identify, perfect, and manage the finance system of the Slater United Methodist Church for the congregation. The finance system of the church is the processes of raising, managing, and dispersing the finances so that the mission of the congregation may be achieved. The purpose of the Stewardship Committee is to educate the congregation about new giving opportunities and new ways to spread God's joy and love throughout the community and even throughout the world.

Other SUMC Officers


There are many other members of the Slater United Methodist Church congregation that volunteer their precious time, and sometimes money, to use their talents in order to benefit the church. We would never be the great church we are today without all of our volunteers. Thanks to all of those who care about the future of our church and help out wherever they can.

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